Make comparisons (IO) between how two societies were organized on a territory during the same time period using these slide decks!

The slide decks below encourage students to Establish Facts (IO) using the documents provided on each slide. From there, the students can Make Comparisons (IO) using the facts established. 

You can have students highlight or underline keywords and information as they analyze the documents. Each slide has a colour guide that can help support domain-specific literacy and analytical skills. 

Cycle 2

Iroquoians and Algonquians Language Families around 1500

Iroquoians and the Incas around 1500

New France and the 13 Colonies around 1745

Cycle 3

Quebec and The Prairies around 1905

The Prairies and the West Coast in 1905 

Quebec and South Africa around 1980

Mi’kmaq and the Inuit around 1980