
Are you learning about New France and how it changed between 1645 and 1745?

Here is a student booklet to help you research and create an interactive model that plays your voice when it is touched. When you’re done creating, explore a classmate’s model (of a different time period) to learn how the society and territory of New France changed.

Here is a Padlet with example models and dioramas to inspire you!


Using programming can be an engaging and effective way to teach social sciences content and nurture digital competency.

We have translated and adapted the work of our RÉCITUS partners to offer you a student booklet on how to create an interactive model of New France. We have also created a teacher’s guide (Note: Teachers may need to request access) and translated an accompanying guide on using Scratch and Makey Makey in elementary social sciences classes. We’ve also put together this Padlet with example models and dioramas for inspiration. The possibilities are endless!

Want to learn more about using Scratch in your classroom? Why not attend a Quebec Scratch Educators Meet-up? These virtual meet-ups are bilingual and a great way to exchange ideas and connect with colleagues.