Teacher Resources

Interactive Model: Quebec around 1980


Are you learning about the dominant society in Quebec around 1980?  Why not make an interactive model or sketch to showcase your learning? Here is a student booklet to help you research and create your own model with Makey Makey and Scratch. 

We’ve also assembled a Padlet with example models and dioramas to inspire you!



Here is a teacher’s guide (Teachers may need to request access) and a student booklet on creating an interactive model or sketch for Quebec around 1980.

Need more help setting up Makey Makey with Scratch? Here is a how-to guide to help. We’ve also put together this Padlet with example models and dioramas for inspiration.

These documents are English adaptations of French RÉCITUS activities.

Want to learn more about using Scratch in your classroom? Try attending a Quebec Scratch Educators Meet-up!