Teacher Resources

Minecraft: New France 1745


Are you looking for a fun and effective way to teach about the organization of a seigneury in New France around 1745? This Minecraft activity might be of interest to your students and you!

Minecraft Education allows students to explore and create their own worlds based on what they learn in school. 

Our RÉCITUS partners created a Minecraft seigneury based on New France around 1745 and an accompanying student booklet that guides students towards creating their own Minecraft seigneury. We’ve translated and adapted the RÉCITUS work.

Here is a teacher’s Guide that explains the project (Teachers may need to request access). It contains links to Minecraft how-tos for educators and students alike.

Here is a student booklet that can be copied and adjusted to suit your specific learners and context.

Here is a link to the Minecraft Map.

Want to learn more about Minecraft? Check out the educator course by RÉCITUS on Campus RÉCIT (in French)!