In this activity, you will use Google My Maps technology to create a new map. You will pick one (or
Students Scratch is a free open-source programming software that was developed by the MIT Media Lab. It is available in
How did evolving territorial occupation of French settlers affect Indigenous Peoples?  This learning process focusses on evolving Territorial Occupation and
How did territorial occupation of traders and settlers affect Indigenous Peoples?  This learning process focusses on Territorial Occupation.  It starts
STUDENTS In grades 3 and 4, you learn about the Iroquoian and Algonquian language families around 1500 and 1745. In
We have added comprehension questions to the bottom of each page of the Iroquoian, Algonquian and Inca around 1500 sections
Students These task cards are a way to learn and review information about the Iroquoian Language Family around 1500. Each
Students These task cards are a way to learn and review information about Canadian Society in New France around 1645.
Students These task cards are a way to learn and review information about Canadian Society in New France around 1745.
Students These task cards are a way to learn and review information about Lower (and Upper) Canada around 1820. Each