Canoes- Canoë

Canoes – A type of small boat that is used with a paddle. It is often long and pointed at […]

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Birth Rate – Taux de natalité

Birth RateBirth Rate – The number of babies born to a population over a specific period of… – The number […]

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Autonomy – Autonomie

Autonomy- AutonomyAutonomy- Autonomy refers to independence; a person or a group of people’s ability to act independently… refers to independence; […]

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Automobiles – Automobiles

Automobiles – A vehicle that travels on land that has four wheels and carries 3 or more passengers. Cars, buses, […]

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Author – Auteur

Author –  A person who writes something AuteurAuthor –  A person who writes something Auteur – Une personne qui écrit […]

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Continental climate – Climat continental

Continental climate is a climate with winter temperatures cold enough to support a fixed period of snow cover each year, and it is not arid (dry) or even semi-arid (a bit dry).  Summers in continental climates are hot or warm.

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Chief – Chef

Chiefs Definitions: The leaders of the clans and tribes were called chiefs. These men were elected or chosen by the […]

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Population density – Densité de population

Population density is how many people live in a specific area.  Usually, we compare population densities of one place and another by calculating how many people live in a square area, like a square kilometre.

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