Relief- Relief

Relief: Differences in height on the earth’s surface. Le relief : Différences de hauteur sur la surface de la terre.

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This means to help make an action or a process you do easier.  Like when a teacher “facilitates” your learning, […]

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Women’s Rights – Droits des femmes

Women’s Rights – Women’s rights are rights or laws that promote female autonomyAutonomy- Autonomy refers to independence; a person or […]

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Urban- Urbain

Urban – An urban area is a place where lots of people live and work. Cities are urban areas. In […]

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Unions- Unions

Unions – When two or more things come together. This word is often used to refer to labor unions in […]

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Tundra- Toundra

Tundra – An area of land that is often flat and rocky with no trees. It is common in arctic […]

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