Teacher Resources

Interactive Model: Lower Canada around 1820


Making 3D models can be a great way to articulate your learning. You can even make interactive models using Scratch and Makey Makey.

In this booklet, you will research Lower Canada around 1820 and the timber trade. Then, you will make an interactive model that records your answer to the question: “How was the land exploited in Lower Canada around 1820?”

Here is a Padlet with example models and dioramas to inspire you!


We have translated and adapted the work of our RÉCITUS partners. Here is a teacher’s guide (Note: Teachers may need to request access) and a student booklet to guide students through the research and creation process. Are you new to programming?  We have also translated an accompanying guide on how to use Scratch and Makey Makey in elementary social sciences classes. We’ve also put together this Padlet with example models and dioramas for inspiration.

Want to learn more about using Scratch in your classroom? Attending a Quebec Scratch Educators Meet-up is a great way to learn with other educators from across the province.