Teacher Resources

Grade 6 SMARTBoard Tools on 20th Century and Quiet Revolution

The following packages are now available for work with Grade 6 students on Quebec history in the 20th Century.
Note that these are works in progress and are being posted without teacher guides for the moment.

family thumbThe People in Early 20th Century Quebec

Original photos to examine and describe life in this new century!  Includes sections on  Family, Transport, Sports and Leisure, and Fashion.

Download:  Grade 6 –The People (notebook file)

Or view:      Grade6-Part-B1-The-People (PDF version)

demand change thumbDemand for Change

Around 1940, most Quebecois began to believe that the Duplessis government, the English and American influence on Quebec economy, and the role of the Catholic Church in education had influenced in a negative way the Quebecois society.  Things had to change and changes did occur.  That period of change is called the Quiet Revolution. Includes sections on  4 key events that were precursors of the Quiet Revolution:  Le Refus Total (1947-1949), The Asbestos’ Strike of 1949, The Richard Riot of 1955, and The Impertinences of Brother Anonymous (1960).

Download:   Grade 6 — Demand for change (notebook file)

Or view:        Grade6-Part-B2-Demand-for-change (PDF version)


hydro thumbDevelopment of Hydroelectricity
After considering how electricity is used in our daily lives, then and now, students explore the way it is made (science connections), how it is distributed, and learn about the nationalization of hydroelectricity and the roles of people like René Lévesque.

Download:  Grade 6– Hydroelectricity (notebook file)

Or view: Grade6-Part-B3-Hydro-electricity (PDF version)


education thumbEducation at the beginning of the 20th Century until now
At the beginning of the 20th century, Quebec society viewed education as a family and Church responsibility… But during the Great Depression of 1929.. the Catholic Church was unable to respond to the people’s needs. The Quebec government began slowly to take  control over education and health services. 

Download:  Grade 6 — Education-School Then and Now (notebook file)

Or view: Grade6-Part-B4-Education-School-Then-and-Now (PDF version)


health thumb

Health Care Services
From 1960’s onwards, the government began to pass a series of laws to improve health services.  In 1970 the Health Insurance Plan was introduced.  Activities covered include an accident scenario and what is covered by our health system.

Download:  Grade 6 — HealthCare Services (notebook file)

Or view: Grade6-Part-B5-HealthCare-Services (PDF version)


leg assembly thumbRole of the Legislative Assembly
In the 1960’s the government began to play a greater role at the community level. The Legislative Assembly, the body of government that makes laws, passed a series of laws and/or acts that made life easier, healthier and safer for all Quebecois.  Includes a timeline and newspaper creation activity.

Download:  Grade6 — Legislative Assembly (notebook file)

Or view: Grade6-Part-B7-Legislative-Assembly (PDF version)


expo thumbMontreal Expo and Olympic Stadium
Learn about these two results of the changes in the 20th Century, create a poster about one of these events.

Download:  Grade 6 — Montreal Expo and Olympics (notebook file)

Or view: Grade6-Part-B8-Montreal-Expo-and-Olympics (PDF version)