Teacher Resources

Minecraft: Iroquois and Algonquian Societies around 1500

Algonquian Village Recitus


Do you like playing Minecraft? Did you know that you can use Minecraft Education to learn about many topics including the Social Sciences?

Our RÉCITUS partners created an example of an Algonquian village around the 1500s that you can explore on Minecraft. You can also create villages, important landmarks, and more as you learn about them in class.

Talk to your teacher or guardian if you want to set up a Minecraft Education account. It may even be free if your school uses TEAMS!


Minecraft Education allows students to explore and create their own worlds based on what they learn in school. Minecraft Education is currently available for free to all educators with Office 365 (TEAMS) accounts.

Our RÉCITUS partners created an example Algonquian village on Minecraft which students can explore to learn and reinforce their knowledge. They also created a student booklet to guide students through the process of learning about and creating their own Iroquoian village in Minecraft. 

We’ve translated and adapted the RÉCITUS work into English.

Here is a Teacher’s Guide that explains the project (teachers may need to request access). It contains links to Minecraft how-tos for educators and students alike.

We’ve also created three different Student Booklets to suit your specific learners and context: 

  1.  An empty booklet where students need to input information about Iroquois and Algonquian Societies around 1500
  2.  A half-completed booklet where students only need to input information about the Iroquois
  3.  A fully-completed booklet for self-correction or reviewing both societies.

Have fun exploring and learning about the social sciences while nurturing digital competency!

Here is the base map by RÉCITUS.

Explore additional Minecraft Education lessons here!