Ressources pour les enseignants

Interactive Timelines Using Makey Makey and Scratch

Interactive timelines slide graphic


Interactive timelines are a fun way to showcase what you’ve learned about different societies and territories.

You can make recordings and animation move on a device when a part of your timeline is touched. This is done using a Makey Makey microcontroller and Scratch programming software by MIT Media Lab. We’ve created a slide deck and student workbook to support the creation process.


Interactive timelines are one way to nurture digital competency in the social sciences. Students will write and record text. This could be done in their social sciences or language classes. Interactive timelines can include multiple languages and be used for a wide range of topics including local history.

Did you know that LEARN has an Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada giant floor map (which was created by Canadian Geographic and numerous Indigenous and ally educators and organizations)? The atlas is surrounded by a timeline that can be used as inspiration for creating interactive timelines. Students can select points of interest on the atlas and research information created by Indigenous-led or ally organizations.  They can then create an interactive timeline containing information about the events that interested them and share their timelines with others. This project could support your school’s Truth and Reconciliation efforts. Here is a pamphlet to learn more about the atlas and how to book it for your school.

Teacher’s Guide
Student Slide Deck
Student Workbook
Video Overview (for students)
Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada: Interactive Timelines Activity Inspiration