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Cycle 2
Iroquoians around 1500: Competency 1
Comparing Iroquoians and Algonquians language families around 1500 : Competency 3
Comparing Iroquoian Nations and the Inca society around 1500: Competency 3
New France around 1645 : Competency 1
Comparing the Iroquoian language family around 1500 and 1745: Competency 2
New France around 1745: Competency 1
Comparing New France and the 13 Colonies around 1745: Comptency 3
Cycle 3
Lower Canada around 1820: Competency 1
Quebec around 1905: Competency 1
Comparing Lower Canada 1820 and Quebec 1905: Competency 2
Comparing Quebec and The Prairies around 1905: Competency 3
Comparing the Prairies and the West Coast in 1905: Competency 3
Quebec around 1980: Competency 1
Comparing Quebec Society Between 1905 and 1980: Competency 2
Comparing the Mi’kmaq and the Inuit Nations around 1980: Competency 3
General Activities & Teacher Guides
The following activities and guides can be used with cycle 2 or cycle 3 students. They are related to the intellectual operations, social science skills and terminology.
My life on a timeline: timeline activity
Intellectual Operations & I.O. Badge Guides
Photo and Image Analysis Guide