Lower Canada around 1820

Émilie Boileau-Kimber ❖

“Emilie Boileau married Timothé Kimber the physician, distiller, and Patriote,  in Chambly on November 12, 1822.  She was the daughter of René Boileau and Marie Antoinette of Gannes de Falaise.”

In general women did not play the most important roles in the actions of the Patriots, as they were not soldiers or politicians, and few were important owners or businessman.  However, that did not mean they did not participate.

“Women did not play a central role in the actions of the patriots. The creation in August 1837 of associations of patriotic ladies in Deux-Montagnes, Verchères and Richelieu should be noted. These groups participated fully in the boycott campaign of 1837, when women made clothing from “local cloth” to avoid having to consume foreign textiles. During the public assemblies of the spring of 1837, women like Émilie Boileau-Kimber also played a very active role. Some even helped melt down rifle bullets and make powder cartridges. Others sheltered fugitives, cared for the wounded or, like Émilie Gamelin, fed the inmates of the Pied-du-Courant prison.” (Source)  Émilie Boileau-Kimber of Chambly, who held patriot meetings in her home and was not afraid to bear arms!  (Source) 

“My friend Drolet served as my passport and we went to our destination under the guard of a sentry. After much hesitation, we were allowed to cross the threshold and were admitted into a large room full of people. No sooner had we entered than we saw the people at the back of the room divide respectfully to allow a lady to pass, who advanced towards us with calmness and dignity. She held a pistol in her right hand, the barrel of which rested on her left arm. Mr Drolet introduced me to Mrs Kimber.”  Extract from the book “Patriotes de 1837-1838” p277-278, via Généalogie Emilie Boileau 

After the defeat of the Patriots and the imprisonment of her husband, Émilie Boileau, like other women of social status at the time, used the strategy of writing letters to others others to influence the outcome of legal and political procedures.  Rather than appealing to Governor Colborne directly, she wrote to others of high social status in order to establish her husbands moral status.  In this way women like Boileau could indirectly influence opinions and ultimately decisions made by those in power. (Source) 


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