Below are lessons and activities that use Cartograf or Google My Maps software.
Cartograph is similar to Google My Maps, but it allows you to upload a wider-variety of documents to each map point. Exploring maps is a great way for students to develop mapping skills and view how a society is organized on a territoryA territory is an area of land, or sometimes of sea, that we can say "belongs"....You can access all public scenarios (for elementary and secondary) via:
Visit the site’s Help page for video tutorials. You may also want to check out the Teachers’ Section for pointers on how to enhance your scenarios.
Here are a list of some of the available elementary-level mapping scenarios
NOTE: For the newest activities, visit the Cartograf website directly.
English: Elementary Geography, History & Citizenship
- Indigenous Territories in 1500 (RECITUS)
- New France Territory vs Indigenous 1645
- New France Territory vs Indigenous 1745
- The Seigneurial System (RECITUS)
- English territories in North America, 1763 (LPBSB)
- The Quebec Act, 1774 (LBPSB)
- The Constitutional Act of 1791 (LBPSB)
- Compare Quebec in 1905 and 1980 (LBPSB)
- Explore Nunavik: The Inuit around 1980 and 2020
- Nationalization of Electricity (LBPSB)
- Montreal in 1820 (RECITUS)
Français: Univers social au primaire
- L’Acte de Québec, 1774 (LBPSB)
- Les territoires Anglais en 1763 (LPBSB)
- Histoire de Montréal : L’habitation (RECITUS)
- Histoire de Montréal : Les transports (RECITUS)
- Histoire de Montréal : personnages marquants (RECITUS)
- Histoire de Montréal : économie (RECITUS)
- Comparer le Québec de 1905 et 1980 (LBPSB)
- La nationalisation de l’électricité (LBPSB)
- Le territoire des amérindiens en 1500 (RECITUS)
- Le régime seigneurial (RECITUS)
- Montréal en 1820 (RECITUS)
Learning Evaluation Situations using Cartograf or Google My Maps:
- How did the territorial occupation of traders and settlers affect Indigenous Peoples? (New France 1645, Competency 2)
- How did evolving territorial occupation of French settlers affect Indigenous Peoples? (New France 1745, Competency 2)
- What Am I? Discovering a territory using satellite images (Connections: Quebec around 1980/2010, Competency 2)
- Adapting to the Territory OR Adapting the Territory? (Indigenous Nations Today, Competency 1)