Ressources pour les enseignants

#LEARNHistoryatHome activities with your kids

LEARN @ Home Elementary Social Sciences Help page

Our new parent’s help page on the LEARN main site now lists various ideas, the occasional MEES activity package that we have adapted and embellished,  and also several key web sites for elementary students arranged according to Cycle.   Go to site >>


Also: Various teachers sections could also be useful to parents

RECITUS Learning Activity Translations

Various French Learning Activities have been adapted into English.  
See the recent post: RECITUS Learning Activities translation project


I-Spy gaming strategy for Societies in 1500.

Explora Board Game

Cycle 2 card game: Review Societies and Connect the Facts!

Game setup 

Chronos Timeline Game and Cards
Sample of an order 5-card timeline

Visit the main page called, Games, Game-based learning and Gamification 

Societies & Territories Toolkit  &  Student Field Journals!

The student field journals developed on this page contain many organizers, images and other ways to use our Societies pages.   Go to page

SMARTBoard Notebook files and Teacher guides

SMARTBoard tools for the Iroquois – Cycle 2 (Gr. 3)

SMARTBoard tools Cycle 2 (Gr. 4) First European Settlers:  New France
SMARTBoard tools Cycle 3 (Gr5)Times of Change series
c-makingofacountry b-changesdailylife_1 a-rivalriessuperpowers

Cycle 3 SMARTBoard by ETSB:  Canada/World 1905 and 1980
Grade 6 SMARTBoard Tools on 20th Century and Quiet Revolution

Cartograf Mapping Scenarios

Mapping scenarios for the elementary sector are available, and our mapping application is open to all to try. Examples of how the materials on this site could be used are also available:   Go to page