Habitat – Habitat

Habitat, refers to the natural environment of any living thing; example: a place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism: like a tropical habitat.

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Habitation – Habitation

A habitation is a place of residence like a house, or simply a place in which to live.  It is also called a dwelling or an abode.

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Nomadic – Nomadisme

A nomad is someone who lives by travelling from place to place. Nomadic thus means anything that involves moving around a lot.  Nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes follow the animals they hunt, carrying tents with them.

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Nomad – Nomad

A nomad is a member of a community of people who live in different locations, moving from one place to another in search of grasslands for their animals.

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Lowland – Basses-terres

Lowland is an area where the land is at, near, or below the level of the sea, and where there are not usually mountains or large hills.  The St. Lawrence Lowland is a plain along the St. Lawrence River between Québec City in the east and Brockville in Ontario.

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Water Basin – Bassin d’eau

Water basin, also called a drainage basin, is a geographic word about rivers. It is where all the water that falls on that land flows into one river! It can flow directly into the river or go through smaller rivers that flow into the bigger river. One river can drain a large area. For example… the St. Lawrence River area drains most of southern Quebec and the northern United States!

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Three Sisters – Trois soeurs

The Three Sisters are the three main foods grown by various indigenous peoples in present-day North America. They are winter squash, maize (corn), and climbing beans (typically tepary beans or common beans). The Iroquois, among others, used these “Three Sisters” as trade goods. 

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Division of labour – Division du travail

Division of labour means the separation of the work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate person or group of persons.  The sexual division of labour is when different tasks done by men and women.

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Animism – Animisme

Animism is the belief that there are spiritual beings in plants and animals. Many animistic religions also believe that acts of nature, for example – the wind and rain, and geographic features like mountains and rivers, have spirits in them.

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Shaman- Chaman

A shaman is a tribal healer who can act as a link betwee the visible world and the spirit world. Shamans are kind of a mix between priests and doctors. A shaman is a holy man who represents a religion, but also often a healer.

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Dialect – Dialecte

A dialect is the way people speak in a particular part of a country, containing some different words and grammar, etc. A person’s dialect can tell you where exactly someone comes from!

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