Society- Société

Society – A society is a group of people living together.  Société – Une société est un groupe de personnes […]

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Settlers- Colons

Settlers – A settler is a person who moves from one place to another with the intention of staying there […]

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Rural- Rurale

Rural – A rural area is an open area of land that has few homes or other buildings, and not […]

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Revenue- Recettes

Revenue – Revenue means money that is earned.  Recettes – Les recettes sont l’argent gagné.   

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Reserves- Réserve

Reserves – The word ‘reserves’ has more than one meaning. Reserves can refer to an area of land where some […]

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Remote- Élogné

Remote – Remote can mean something that is very far away from other things.  Éloigné – Éloigné peut signifier quelque […]

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