Note: Quebec has many natural resources, but in 1905, they were often run by foreign companies (called « trusts » then). From which country did these foreign companies come?  (Hint: The author is talking about his flag.) What effect did this use of Quebec’s resources by foreign companies have on the Quebec population?


“A population that denies itself the right to trade in its own country does not deserve to survive.

If it is true that a flag follows trade, do not be surprised to see the start-spangled banner on the shores of the St. Lawrence. It is commendable to invite foreign capital to come and help us to develop our natural resources, but we protest against the methods adopted by our government to grant foreign (all rich and powerful they are) extraordinary privileges. In some countries, trusts and monopolies that live and thrive on the sweat of the people are rightly denounced. Laws are passed to restrict their activities and curb their ambition. And these are wise measures.

Why is it that in the province of Quebec that the « Paper Trust” has so much elbow room?”

Source de l’extrait : L.-P. Côté,L’Esclavage au royaume du Saguenay : dépouillés, exploités, esclaves dans notre propre province : un monument à la honte du régime. s.n., 1926. Document qui se retrouve sur le site Les classiques des sciences sociales,