The 1745 village

Hello, my name is Thomas Guillot and I am a spoon moulder. I wander from village to village, selling or repairing metal […]

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To each his chores

Teamwork was essential for survival in New France. In the city and in the countryside, everyone had to do their […]

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Entertainment for the rich

The winters in New France were long and boring. The many holidays also provided many occasions for celebration. Fortunately, there were […]

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Home makes the man

The manor house The manor was the seigneur’s home. It was bigger than the homes of the censitaires (tenants). The […]

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Going to town

This morning I got up before sunrise. It is market day in Montréal and I have to go there with […]

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In the streets of New France, you could often see ladies accompanied by Indigenous or African slaves who helped them […]

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Indigenous Peoples around 1745

Decreased populationPopulation comes from the Latin populus, meaning “the people.”  We say population when we talk about a group… War and diseases […]

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The Coureurs de bois

By 1745, the fur tradeTrade is when we buy, sell, or just exchange goods (things, foods, etc.) or services (helping… was […]

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Religious communities

Upon arriving in Montréal, you can the steeples of the church and the many chapels rising above the fortifications (the […]

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Frontenac was appointed governor of New France in 1672 by the King. Louis XIV felt that this experienced military man would […]

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