To find furs
There were many reasons to explore the territoryA territory is an area of land, or sometimes of sea, that we can say "belongs"... in the early days of colonizationColonizationColonization occurs when one country takes control of another country, territory, or people. It happens when..., but the most important reason was to find furs. This was what motivated an explorer and coureur de bois like Jean Nicollet, who arrived in the colonyColonizationColonization occurs when one country takes control of another country, territory, or people. It happens when... in 1618.
To protect the fur tradeTrade is when we buy, sell, or just exchange goods (things, foods, etc.) or services (helping... between Indigenous peoples and the French, Jean Nicollet was sent to visit different Indigenous Nations. He lived with Indigenous peoples, learning their languages and exploring the territoryA territory is an area of land, or sometimes of sea, that we can say "belongs"... like no Frenchman ever had before. The coureurs de bois would later become valuable explorers for the new colonyColonizationColonization occurs when one country takes control of another country, territory, or people. It happens when....
Other explorers such as Hudson, Radisson and Des Groseilliers also travelled the continent searching for furs and other riches.
To find a route to Asia or to evangelize
The French were motivated to explore for other reasons, too. Some, like Champlain, sought a route to the riches of Asia. Others, like the Jesuits, had a missionary ideal and wanted to evangelize or convert Indigenous peoples to CatholicismCatholicism - Catholicism refers to the catholic religion. Catholics believe in the bible and that Jesus.... In 1645, however, the great explorations were yet to come.
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