The Inca EmpireAn empire is group of nations or peoples ruled over by a powerful emperor, empress, or other... had a very large populationPopulation comes from the Latin populus, meaning “the people.” We say population when we talk about a group.... Around 1500, there were 8 million people. To compare, the populationPopulation comes from the Latin populus, meaning “the people.” We say population when we talk about a group... of the entire province of Quebec was around 8.6 million in 2023.
The Incas lived everywhere on their territoryA territory is an area of land, or sometimes of sea, that we can say "belongs"..., even in the mountains. Many of them lived on the mountainside, where they farmed. However, the populationPopulation comes from the Latin populus, meaning “the people.” We say population when we talk about a group... was highly concentrated in the cities where the Incas were permanently settled because they were sedentarySedentary means to live in one place, to grow one's own food, and to build more.... Cuzco, the capital of the empireAn empire is group of nations or peoples ruled over by a powerful emperor, empress, or other..., had 60 000 inhabitants.
Several communities joined together
All the people of the empireAn empire is group of nations or peoples ruled over by a powerful emperor, empress, or other... spoke the same language, Quechua, but they did not all come from the same culture. To become so large and powerful, the Inca EmpireAn empire is group of nations or peoples ruled over by a powerful emperor, empress, or other... had conquered several villages and communities by force. It then forced the residents of these communities to join the empireAn empire is group of nations or peoples ruled over by a powerful emperor, empress, or other... and speak Quechua. So, within the empireAn empire is group of nations or peoples ruled over by a powerful emperor, empress, or other... there were many different groups that had their own unique characteristics.
AuthorAuthor - A person who writes something Auteur - Une personne qui écrit quelque chose: Alexandre Lanoix wih updates by LEARN.