If someone gave you dried corn husks, would it occur to you to use them to make a doll? How about a beaver tooth? Would you use it to make a knife?
The Iroquoian people found a thousand and one uses for everything in nature. They had to be very resourceful because in 1500 there were no shops or grocery stores where they could buy what they needed.
Instead, they made things from raw materials. Wood and bark were particularly useful. They were used to build homes, canoesCanoes - A type of small boat that is used with a paddle. It is often..., toboggans, baskets, bowls, ladles, and countless other items. Leather from animals was turned into clothingClothing- Items made from fabric, skins, or other materials that serve to protect and cover the..., bags and blankets. Stones became arrowheads, axes and pipes. The women knew how to extract glue from certain fish. They used clay to make vases and pots so that they could prepare, cook and store food. These pots were finely decorated.
They made objects that met their needs, whether it was for food, clothingClothing- Items made from fabric, skins, or other materials that serve to protect and cover the..., farming, recreation, shelter or transportation. These items were not only practical, however. They also loved beautiful things, and they decorated their pottery and clothingClothing- Items made from fabric, skins, or other materials that serve to protect and cover the.... They also made many objects that were used during religious rites.
AuthorAuthor - A person who writes something Auteur - Une personne qui écrit quelque chose: Service national du Récit de l’univers social
Important concepts and big ideas:
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[glossary slug=’spirituality’]
[glossary slug=’artisticexpression’]