Iroquoians around 1500

A territory rich in natural resources

A land and climate for farming

The Iroquoian territory was fertile because it was located in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, and the humid continental climate was good for farming. The Iroquoians mainly grew corn, squash and beans, which they call the three sisters. Berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries, grew in abundance. There was also a wide variety of plants that were used in many ways, such as making medicines.

Water, forests and animals

There were many rivers on the territory. Getting around by canoe was very convenient. What’s more, these rivers were full of fish and turtles. The forests contained several species of trees, like birch, oak, elm, fir and pine. These are called mixed forests because they have both coniferous and deciduous trees. They were home to several species of animals such as beavers, deer, bears and wolves.

Natural resources for sustaining life

All these natural resources provided the Iroquoians with everything they needed for food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and entertainment.

Author: Service national du Récit de l’univers social

Important concepts and big ideas:

Rich in resources
Sustainable land use
Adapt to the environment
Transportation route

Quickly check your knowledge:

See also: Corn porridge on the menu

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