Gathering, hunting and fishing
The Algonquians and Iroquoians both practised certain subsistence activities, like gathering, hunting and fishing. These activities provided Indigenous Nations with sources of food and the materials they needed to make clothing and various tools and objects.
Farming: a vital activity
The Nations that were part of the Algonquian and Iroquoian language families were different in one important way: the Iroquoian Nations practised farming. In fact, farming was the reason why they had become sedentarySedentary means to live in one place, to grow one's own food, and to build more...; in other words, to remain in the same place. Farming involved a lot of work and from spring to fall, the Iroquoian people were constantly at work in the fields.
Depending on the area being inhabited, these survival activities varied in importance among the nations. This is because the fertility of the soil was not the same everywhere; nor was access to wildlife. For example, the Hurons grew more corn than the St. Lawrence Iroquoians living in Stadacona. But one thing was certain: farming provided the main source of food for all the Iroquoian people.
AuthorAuthor - A person who writes something Auteur - Une personne qui écrit quelque chose: Service national du Récit de l’univers social
Important concepts and big ideas:
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