The Iroquoian nations were sedentarySedentary means to live in one place, to grow one's own food, and to build more..., meaning they mostly stayed in one place; unlike the Algonquian people who were constantly moving. The Iroquoian people lived in villages and farmed their food. They stayed in the same place for 10, 15 or even 20 years, as long as the land continued to produce enough food. When the soil became depleted, the entire village had to move to another location on their territoryA territory is an area of land, or sometimes of sea, that we can say "belongs"... where the soil was fertileadjectif pour dire qu’un sol est bon pour l’agriculture.. The village also had to be near a source of drinking water and close to a forest for wood supplies.
Some people lived in small villages with only five to 15 longhouses. But some villages had 50 houses. These large villages were often surrounded by a palisade for protection. This was the case in the village of Hochelaga on the island of Montréal, where the St. Lawrence Iroquoians lived.
AuthorAuthor - A person who writes something Auteur - Une personne qui écrit quelque chose: Service national du Récit de l’univers social
Important concepts and big ideas:
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[glossary slug=’richinresources’]