We, the Iroquoian people, follow the rhythm of the seasons. Nature can be unpredictable and sometimes we must fight to survive. We work hard. But that doesn’t mean we work all the time! We also have free time.
Iroquoians of all ages like to have fun: playing games, celebrating, chit-chatting and playing sports. Are you wondering what kind of games kids like to play, and if their games are like yours? Well, they like dolls, the cup and ball game, pretend fighting and hunting, running, fooling around with the dogs, imitating the adults. We also played dice games, like Atenaha (The Seed Game), and many others. These are some of the activities young Iroquoian boys and girls enjoyed.
What’s our favourite sport? That’s easy: Lacrosse! It is a competitive sport that is played in teams. We use a stick that has a net at one end to throw a ball into the other team’s goal. We also like to play gambling games with dice or straws.
We also have celebrations… Some take place every season while others are held on special occasions, like when a shamanA shaman is a tribal healer who can act as a link betwee the visible world and the... has a special dream. During these celebrationsCelebrations - A special activity or event Célébrations - Une activité ou un événement spécial ..., we dance, eat and sing.
AuthorAuthor - A person who writes something Auteur - Une personne qui écrit quelque chose: Service national du Récit de l’univers social