The Quiet Revolution began in 1960 with the election of the Quebec Liberal Party and lasted until the end of
The First (1914 to 1918) and Second (1939 to 1945) World Wars were significant events for many places around the
In 1867, the Canadian Confederation resulted in Canada becoming a country. The Canadian Confederation is what we celebrate every year
THE PATRIOTS' FIGHT FOR MORE DEMOCRACY Since 1791, the people of Canada have been able to elect members to the
THE ARRIVAL OF THE LOYALISTS After the American War of Independence, many Loyalists settled north of Lake Ontario and Lake
THE WAR On July 4, 1776, the Thirteen English colonies declared their independence. They no longer wanted to be ruled
PEACE, BUT NOT FOR LONG... Between 1713 and 1744, the French and English colonies in America lived in peace, but
I absolutely must tell you about an extraordinary event that is taking place in my town, this summer of 1701.
Since the founding of Quebec in 1608, New France was a trading post. It is considered a trading post because
After the discovery of Christopher Columbus in 1492, several explorers from European countries (France, England, Portugal & Spain) continued to