Note: What is the Confederation of Catholic Workers of Canada (CCWC) proposing in the following extract? Why was this proposal made? Could this kind of proposal be made today?
Extract :
“Whereas one of the main causes of unemployment is the excessive growth of female employment, this convention has asks that there be legislation [sic] provincial to restrict to just proportions the use of female labor … and especially starting with the dismissal of married women.”
Source of extract: Free translation of Procès-verbal, Congrès de la Confédération des travailleurs catholiques du Canada (CTCC), résolution 15 (1935), Archives de la CSN, cité dans Marie Lavigne et Jennifer Stoddart, « Ouvrières et travailleuses montréalaises 1900-1940 », Les femmes dans la société québécoise, Montréal, Boréal, 1977, p.141.