Teacher Resources

Announce the site in your school. Post the news!

Download the latest Social Sciences Newsletter, print it, post it for others to see.  Get the word out, the Societies site (release candidate 1 we could say) is pretty much done!

SocSciUPdate2014OctthumbThat’s right, this  week we (thanks Shelley!) finished the enormous task of organizing and posting all of the 450 separate texts and 1200 images and documents that make up the Societies & Territories English version of the RECITUS’s fine web site original.   Check out the site by navigating through the various “Societies”, from Inca to Iroquois, from 1500 to 1980.  Note that each section main page will also contain the full image gallery for that section.  (see Inca section at bottom right)

And… for all you elementary teachers, another treat for you and your students.  This week we now have five new Cartograf scenarios in French for the elementary sector up on the LEARN installation at http://cartograf.learnquebec.ca/  two of which have already been translated into English with the others quickly on the way.  (Cartograf now has close to 20 sample scenarios to help get you started!)  Yes, the little ones love mapping too!

All of above, and a quick nod to the Webinar this month on the Burgundy Jazz Project, can be found in this fall’s Social Sciences Update newsletter available from the Social Sciences main page or by clicking http://bit.ly/SSNEWSOct2014