Teacher Resources

Occupy Territory – Types of Territories of Iroquoians and Algonquians

Occupy Territory – The type(s) of territory on which the Iroquoians and Algonquians lived

This activity addresses the concepts of nomad and sedentary through the different modes of occupation of the Iroquois and Algonquian territories  around 1500.   

Available documents include a Student Workbook Google Doc,  and a Student Notebook file.

Note that a separate teacher’s guide is available in French only for the moment.  (Teachers may need to request access.)




The RÉCIT univers social has produced several Learning Activities (In French) that use the texts in the Societies and Territories site.    With permission,  and distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, LEARN and its partners have begun the process of adapting these activities into English, and occasionally will be creating variations based on their activities.


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