Teacher Resources

Once Upon a Time in the 1820s – LES and STUDENT SITE


Once Upon a Time in the 1820s
Note:  This is the LES & student site imported from our old LEARN site, and as such it is an older adaptation of the new RECITUS version in French IL ÉTAIT UNE FOIS 1820…


The Teacher’s guide, Extras and the Student Workbook file are now available as one PDF.  Download

The Student website (pictured above) has now been input as one long page.  Visit the page

The “Day in the life of” task page refers to a few Word and PPPT working documents.

  • Sample Day in the life of Papineau Powerpoint presentation Download
  • Sample Working document, Word version.   Download
  • Working document,  Powerpoint version.  Download

And note too that there are Cartograf scenarios based on this material: