Teacher Resources

1905 Activity – People, places, objects and songs part of our culture?

RECITUS:  How do people, places, objects and songs become part of our culture?


Several objects are part of Quebec culture and have marked one or more generations. 

In this activity, students will first react to older inventions and technologies from their parents days.  

They will then ask one of their parents to help them find an old object that marked his or her generation and that they kept at home. They will take pictures of it and interview their parents about it.

Afterwards, students can tour several sections of the Societies and Territories site to search for and learn about objects from the 1905 period.  

Click to access the activity and worksheets as a Google Document.



The RÉCIT univers social has produced several Learning Activities (In French) that use the texts in the Societies and Territories site.    With permission,  and distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, LEARN and its partners have begun the process of adapting these activities into English, and occasionally will be creating new variations based on these activities and others.