Teacher Resources

Videos in English (and French) !

New on the site: 1905 and 1980 videos by guest narrator and editor Mathis (Grade 6)!
1905: Province of Quebec | 1980: Openness to the World |  A revolution in clothingLiving in the suburbs
Videos narrated and edited by Mathis (Grade 6)

Many of our site pages contain videos that help students read and visualize the site content. LEARN now also has a single playlist to view what videos we have produce or where we have stored videos we have adapted from French originals. Check them out via our  Youtube Playlist for Elementary Social Sciences.

Also, if you flip to the French side of each page (adapted French versions for our FLS students) you will often find original French videos produced by the RÉCIT univers social.  These videos are also available in numerous playlists according to society on their Youtube channel here